I am a Year 6 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teachers are Miss Scanlan, Mr Goodwin, and Miss Parrant.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Animal Racing - Crazy Story
This is the story that happen in 2016
Once in Pt England School there was an epic event named 2016 england school animal race. People were being Rats, birds, and Cheetahs but I brought my pet Mewtwo. I bought Mewtwo because he is a very fast pokemon me and him would win onone could bet us we’re the fastest in the world.
Then suddenly there was a guy he had a Ninjask ‘‘What!,’’. People say that his name is THE MAN
Monday, 5 December 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Lorenzo Crazy Motat Adventures - Narrative
Last Week on the middle of the night. We had a trip to Motat that stands for Museum of Transport and technology. After we arrive, we talk to a lady that said: “Beware soldiers as this is a haunted house is a scary room”. So went inside the haunted house until there was nothing. “Oh” said Nevaeh, come on boys let’s play in the gaming room.
Me and nytram was running to the gaming room until the lights went off. The girls were screaming hard out expect Me and nytram. The girls thought they were gonna die. But Nevaeh wasn’t scared. All the girls run away and outside the house. Until Deathclaw throw them on the tram and ate the girls. So Me, nytram and Navaeh had only one way to fix the problem. Get the guns and kill all the Monsters and ZOMBIES! So Nytram took the Minigun, Lorenzo took the Machine Gun and Navaeh took the flamethrower.
So they Shoot for their lives like rambo and kill all the zombies died from the flamethrower and then deathclaw came and kill them so 2 minutes later they kill the deathclaw and all said: “YAY SHE'S DEAD! WE DID IT!”. Suddenly there was someone coming and it was the Deathclaw King. So it took hours to kill that big monster.
Everybody ran into the mirror maze and after the King DIED! Because the king hates glass. After the king die. I got a shotgun and blow head up. Lorenzo Cut the body to eat a piece and Navaeh burn the body. But it’s not over yet, the Deathclaw Queen came to come and kill people. Nytram said: KILL IT! AHHHHHHHHHH! As they were charging at the queen, and almost all of them got kill.
So we went to the helicopter and as Navaeh and ntram took the Minigun and Lorenzo was driving the helicopter. A friend Leonardy got a sniper rifle and carefully aim at a zombie from 1096m away! He hold his breath and look where he was going to. He pull the trigger and BULLSEYE! He shot him right in the eye, YAH! TAKE THAT! Said him. So they were going to Sydney in Australia because it was a safe place to live. We went straight outta NZ because it was evil there.
So after they arrive to Sydney, Nytram, Lorenzo and Leonardy saw the Sydney Bridge and the opera house we knocked on the door.
So we went to the helicopter and as Navaeh and ntram took the Minigun and Lorenzo was driving the helicopter. A friend Leonardy got a sniper rifle and carefully aim at a zombie from 1096m away! He hold his breath and look where he was going to. He pull the trigger and BULLSEYE! He shot him right eye, YAH! TAKE THAT! Said him. So they were going to Sydney in Australia because it was a safe place to live. We went straight outta NZ because it was evil there.
So after they arrive to Sydney, Nytram, Lorenzo and Leonardy saw the Sydney Bridge and the opera house we knocked on the door.
The door open i saw a crack window i went to see who was inside and I shouted zombie nytram , me , leonardy and navaeh ran as fast as our legs can go.
We made To the helicopter but a zombie bit Nytram and he was turning to a zombie Leonardy shot nytram at the head shoot Leonardy got bit by the same zombie that bit nytram, no my friends Lorenzo was the last person to die.I got a shotgun and shot Leonardy bum and he ate my leg and shot leonardy at the head with the shotgun the time was coming for me dead.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Lorenzo Athletics Day 2016
Athletics Day 2016
WALT: group ideas into paragraphs.
WALT: Write a recount.
I woke up in my bed and looked outside. I saw black clouds covering light blue sky. My mum took me to pt england school. When it was time to sit on the hot conutty. We had to listen to Mr Burt for i'll athletics games day down at pt england school and my name is Lorenzo
So my house colour team is yellow but it real name is hikianalia . During the day it was very hot that all the boy were sweating and puffing we were hot in the sun.
It was Javelin next up i was really to beat my friend that was coming 1st and just beated him but a little bit and i was coming 1st and friend was coming 2rd and team friend was coming 3rd but friends he throw the last shoot and you took my team friends out.
My favourite part was high jump and sprinting and shot put and javelin too
Monday, 17 October 2016
Lorenzo Writing Test Practice - The little boat
They was a man call benji he was a rugby player but one day he went to get some fish for his lunch.
He went out to the sea he got his fishing rod out and start to get fish but then he saw a fish making holes in his.
he got his fishing rod and tried to get the fish away from his boat the water was running fast into the boat.
Benji use a buick to get the water out then he got tried but he look into his big bag he saw lot of water to dinner he did not get tired.
He start to take all of the water out he use his last bubblegum they was a lot of bubblegum to put them at the holes.
The water tired it best to get into the boat and benji went back home and he make some chips and fish the was so yum his kids came and ate some too.
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Lorenzo Niue Rugby league
Hi guys my team just won a gold medal at Niue rugby league we beat the Auckland nine team and i will show you my gold medal.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Lorenzo Olympics Day
yesterday morning they was a boy call Lorenzo has school was call pt England school and the Olympic was on that day. Thursday 2016. The day was so hot we all wanted a drink of water and i got sunburn on my legs and face was so hot that nearly burn hand off. My favorite was my team coming 2nd place and Fiji just of past us but we just chocolate lollies to eat and my Favorited game was dodge ball and tight war.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
End of term 3 blog post!
End of term 3 blog post!
Hi my fans I got some good news that I’m going no 2 week off school and the bad news is I’m not going to do post in the weekend because I have riverside camp and a rugby game on Saturday too. I'm so so sorry that I'm not going to do post but on Sunday I’m going to do some post in the weekend for you guys and my favorite post was the Olympic.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Lorenzo Writing - Narrative September 2016
Walt: write a narrativeWalt: use and write paragraphs, detailed sentences, juicy words, full stops, capital letters and correct spelling.
Leone went on a trip to pt england beach they got to go kayaking but leone fall out of kayaking boat he saw a electric eels coming at him leone was swimming to get back to his boat he was lucky some of Leone friends helped him to get back to his boat.Leone saw his kayaking boat but the electric eels electric his boat so he can’t get away from them so his friend was slowing down Leone saw his face with water running down. Leone said i can do the kayaking but his friend said no can can do it but his friend slowing down and leone said can i do it now his friend said yes leone power his way to the beach leone so fast that the electric eels can’t get him Leone got to the beach but his friends got catch but the eels was going to eat them all but leone came very fast like usain bolt. Leone make the eels fly in the air and leone friends got away from eilv electric eels and they all make it to the beach and leone went to sleep and his friends too.
Leone went on a trip to pt england beach they got to go kayaking but leone fall out of kayaking boat he saw a electric eels coming at him leone was swimming to get back to his boat he was lucky some of Leone friends helped him to get back to his boat.Leone saw his kayaking boat but the electric eels electric his boat so he can’t get away from them so his friend was slowing down Leone saw his face with water running down. Leone said i can do the kayaking but his friend said no can can do it but his friend slowing down and leone said can i do it now his friend said yes leone power his way to the beach leone so fast that the electric eels can’t get him Leone got to the beach but his friends got catch but the eels was going to eat them all but leone came very fast like usain bolt. Leone make the eels fly in the air and leone friends got away from eilv electric eels and they all make it to the beach and leone went to sleep and his friends too.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Monday, 19 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Lorenzo Olympic 2016
astronaut Ben,
Pt England school,
Room 10,
whizz 2016
Friday, 2 September 2016
Lorenzo PES Olympics wheelbarrow race
WALT: write an interesting recount by writing about our feelings and the feelings of others.
WALT: group ideas into paragraphs.
Friday, 26 August 2016
Lorenzo Winning Gold!
I was at the Rio 2016 olympics. The people were cheering, shouting and screaming at me to go for the gold medal. When I went onto the podium and I saw my flag in the air I was proud of myself. I heard the fireworks exploding in the dark night and the light was shining on me.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Lorenzo NZ Olympic Mascot
Hi my name is leo the kiwi. I am 30m tall and I have a long beak to poke some worms out. and I can run fast than a car. Kiwi is a tiny kiwi that live at NZ. My special powers is I am the fast kiwi and warrior and i can jump up high in the sky and I can get some runaway try for NZ rugby 7. I live in a big treehouse in a jungle in NZ. I had songs art and my little own jungle and I have a Nz flag in my house to represent NZ in the olympics
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Monday, 15 August 2016
Friday, 12 August 2016
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Lorenzo Egg 20m Sprint and Lorenzo Comic Strip - Egg 20m Sprint.
Hi my name is Lorenzo and we went to the playground and we had Egg 20m Sprint 1 of august monday. when i got my eggs we had to design our eggs and i give it a name Zarenzo and we give him a face and he had big eyes and had spiky hair. We had to get a spoon from mr baxendine and run fast as we could. My favourite bit is my egg screaming at me.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Lorenzo Egg 20m Sprint
Hi my name is Lorenzo and we went to the playground and we had Egg 20m Sprint 1 of august monday.:when i got my eggs we had to design our eggs and i give it a name Zarenzo and we give him a face and he had big eyes and had spiky hair.We had to get a spoon from mr baxendine and run fast as we could.My favourite bit is my egg screaming at me.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Lorenzo The Summer Olympic Games
1. How often are the summer Olympic Games held?
- The summer Olympic Games are held every four years
2. In which three years did World Wars cause the cancellation of the Olympic Games?
- 1916, 1940 and 1944 games were the three years did World Wars cause the cancellation of the Olympic Games
3. What does IOC stand for?
- International Olympic Committee
4. What does the winner of each event receive?
- The winner of each event receive Olympic Gold medal
5. Who founded the IOC in 1894?
- Baron pierre de Coubertin founded the IOC
6. In which country were the rst Olympic Games (the ancient Olympics) held?
- The first olympic game were held in olympic greece
7. Approximately how many competitors will compete at the Rio Olympic Games?
- More than 10,000 athletes from 207 nations will compete in over 300 events during the Rio Olympic Games
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
We are the CHAMPIONS
WALT: group ideas into paragraphs.
Sadly the holidays were over.Hi my name is lorenzo and we are Learning about hell to be a champions.we had to all goto the Immersion assembly On monday.
The theme is our term is we are the champions!!!!!!!! And i find out why we are the champions.
Today we are learn about olympics and we are looking at some drugs and virus at Rio and some of the olympics people don’t go because the drugs and virus.
I am looking forward for running
Monday, 18 July 2016
To the moives
Today it was Sunday but it was a funny day.It was sunny then it turn raining we had to go back inside the house. After it stop we went to the movies to watch ghost busters but my mum is buy us an ice cream choc top then i ate my ice cream choc top but i was slower went to sleep but i still want to watch the movie.The movie was so cool then we went to McDonald's and i had a big mac and it was yummy and then a women give us a rugby card and then we went back home.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Lorenzo holiday writing
On saturday i went for a bikeradar with my little baby brothers and my two cool brothers and my mum to and we got to go to the playground.

I saw my friend going to the pack and i said to my friend sup and he said sup to and we Were going.I said to my friend goodbye because we were going to the shop to get l ice cream and my ice cream was yummy.
On sunday we went in a car to megazone we did megazone up top in the big room we were call yoller term we had to kill blue and green and my mum and my baby brother was wacht we came 1st in megazone my brother zack came 1st for trem yoller and my dad came 2st and i came 3th and my brother little came 4th.
Rugby league
Today i had to play in the 11 open and we had to vs Marisa green and they got a try in 20s and after that we got a try and they had to kick it to us and got another try and i got a try we won from 8 try to 2 try.After the game we got home and had a shower and after the shower i got into my dog onesie and my mum got me a hot chocolate and after that we got to ps4 and we play fifa14. I played with my little brother Ben. He all ways cry where i win and for lunch we had pies after we played fifa14 we cleaned the house.
Our poppy came to watch us
Today it was Monday and my mum had to go to work and our poppy came to watch us and my little baby brother went to my nana house.At my house we had to make the bed and cleaned up the hole house and we got to ps4 we played fifa 14 and play ultimate team.We got a golden pack and we played to other people and we beat them and we got a lot of money and winner all our game and at 3 a clock we had to get off the ps4 and play fun game outside and kick some balls around.
Friday, 8 July 2016
My last day at school
This is the last day of school we got to play games or coding,I got to play in a rugby league team and rugby union team,We had a fun day at school and Mr Baxendine bring some carrot and we make the carrot as owe own friend,My favorite rugby play is Shaun Johnson and Dan carter,My friends are Hopa and leone and Sione and Awathan and Kruz,
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Lorenzo Carrots
WALT: group ideas into paragraphs.
WALT: write a recount.
In the class i sit down and i saw some carrot in two plat bag mr baxendine said did we see the carrot some said yes some said no and mr baxendine said we are going to feed some rabiat he said just a lie we are going to make carrot as your friend.
We had to carved owe own carrot as a friend we use a butter knife to make it face with eyes and a mouth so it can be owe own friend and i gave him a name that was call widow he i gave him a haircut and after we had to eat my friend widow i ate him.
My carrot name is call benji and his last name was call marshall and had a mohawk and had two big happy eyes and one happy mouth.
My favourite past was to make the carrot as my own friend and after that we got to eat him.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Lorenzo Paul Martin Visit
He was a comic artist drawing he came to pt england schoolDate 23.At he live at Hampton.Paul Martin.
He drawled us Kory the Kiwi and he show us on the whiteboard how to do side on and back on the side on was very cool draw.
My favourite part was he was doing side on and back on and it was my favourite to watch him draw a man side on.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Friday, 17 June 2016
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Lorenzo Yum Yum!
Yum Yum!
On Monday I can in class then suddenly I saw two boxes and a sign that said not to touch. That was weird I didn’t know what the sign meant does it mean not to touch the table or does mean not to touch chair I am very confused ??????
My buddie Petesa grabbed a bandana and blindfold so I can’t see I was scared. Then Petesa got a something I didn’t know what was it but it does smell good.
The jelly was tested Dealership with lime milkshake.
My favourite was How we got to have the jelly
Friday, 10 June 2016
Friday, 3 June 2016
Lorenzo Narrative - Will He Save Her?
One cold night spider man was shooting his webs and Loki was make trouble but Loki saw spider man shooting his webs and spider man saw Loki spider man went down to fight Loki on the top of a builder Loki got Mary Jane spider man try to help but I was to late Mary Jane got push off.Spider man jump down to rescue Mary Jane for Spider man webs got Mary Jane and down to the fool and Spider man went back from climbing up and Loki was waiting for Spider man to fight him Spider man shoot his webs at Loki to make Loki get sucked so the cop can get him.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Lorenzo Create a Superhero
Natsu fire king is the god of fire and tornadoes. He is the son of the fire dragon and he is so powerful and the guy to try and bet he took down the strongest evil villain in the universe with his mouth so the leader of all evil was to scared to look at Natsu he is the leader of all gods he will kill anyone to protect the mortals and he can help the Teacher Avengers.
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