
Monday, 17 October 2016

Lorenzo Writing Test Practice - The little boat

They was a man call benji he was a rugby player but one day he went to get some fish for his lunch.

He went out to the sea he got his fishing rod out and start to get fish but then he saw a fish making holes in his.

he got his fishing rod and tried to get the fish away from his boat the water was running fast into the boat.

Benji use a buick to get the water out then he got tried but he look into his big bag he saw lot of water to dinner he did not get tired.

He start to take all of the water out he use his last bubblegum they was a lot of bubblegum to put them at the holes.

The water tired it best to get into the boat and benji went back home and he make some chips and fish the was so yum his kids came and ate some too.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Lorenzo Niue Rugby league

Hi guys my team just won a gold medal at Niue rugby league we beat the Auckland nine team and i will show you my gold medal.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Lorenzo Olympics Day

yesterday morning they was a boy call Lorenzo has school was call pt England school and the Olympic was on that day. Thursday 2016.  The day was so hot we all wanted a drink of water and i got sunburn on my legs and face was so hot that nearly burn  hand off. My favorite was my team coming 2nd place and Fiji just of past us but we just chocolate  lollies  to eat and my Favorited game was dodge ball and tight war.